Golf Course

Golf Course

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Root Prune

Santa Rosa golf course maintenance has contracted Southeastern Turf Grass Supply for a root prune of problematic trees in turf grass areas.  Root pruning is necessary to help sustain healthy turf grass.  Tree roots compete for the same sunlight, water, and nutrients that turf grass does, so pruning those roots back to the tree lines and tree wells out of the turf is sound agronomic practice for healthy turf grass.  The lines that are left from the root prune will heal with rising temperatures and growth.  I have attached an article from USGA senior agronomist Todd Lowe that goes into a little more detail.  Thank you for your continued support.

Kelly Barker

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Pre-emerge application

Santa Rosa Golf & Beach Club will be having a fertilizer and pre-emergent applied on Monday, March 24.  This application is being applied to all areas except for greens.  The application is in the granular form with the pre-emergent herbicide sparged on the fertilizer prill.  The target of this application is to not allow for the emergence of certain summertime weeds (goose grass & crab grass).  The application will be going down in the regularly scheduled maintenance gap on Monday the 24th.